Showing posts with label blunders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blunders. Show all posts

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Needle Update: Frog Central

Have I mentioned that I love knitting socks?

Have I mentioned that I make poor sock pattern choices?

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Blunder Woman: Storm Damage

Have you ever put your seed trays out in the sun and then, without thinking about the impending bad weather, gone inside for a quick nap? No? Just me?

Pictured: the contents of my third seed tray. Not pictured: the third seed tray.

Friday, 14 October 2016

Boyfriend SOCK Curse?!

We've all heard that knitting your boyfriend a sweater is a sure-fire way to end the relationship - the Boyfriend Sweater Curse is an infamous one spread between knitters the world around and, while (of course) not actually based in fact, backed up by countless tales of woe and heartbreak. I thought I was safe from this as I'm sticking to socks but... things haven't been going well.

At least they're pretty.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Blunder Woman: Ambition Exceeds Ability

If there's one trait I don't like to acknowledge in myself it's laziness. It's there, though, and every time I stand in the back yard staring out at the burgeoning weeds I sigh and think "that's going to take forever to fix up". Sometimes I grab my gardening gloves and trudge out there to deal with some of it anyway, but... sometimes I go inside and sit in front of the tv with my knitting instead. And if there's one thing I've learned in the months since my last Blunder Woman admissions it's that I have way more ideas than dedication to following through on them.

It's time to fess up on what didn't work this winter.

Sunday, 29 May 2016

Blunder Woman

It's easy to forget that part of learning is screwing something up. When I post here my first instinct is to find the most impressive things I can show off - something growing well, my chubby chickens, fruits and vegetables that are ready to eat. But the reality is that those moments are scattered between a series of screwups and disappointments. And if I'm meant to learn from these mistakes, well, it's time to own them. Here are some things I've gotten wrong so far this year.