Showing posts with label yarn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yarn. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Aside from the incoming Antarctic storm front that's due to possibly actually give us actual snow this week, it doesn't really get that cold here. But it does get Australia cold, and boy is it. I'm scraping frost of the windscreen after work and layering knitwear over my clothes as I potter around the house - not the most stylish look but dammit does that shawl+cowl+glove+lap blanket combo keep you just about warm enough.

Meanwhile the extra rain has the garden beds carpeted in green (mostly weeds that I have no idea how to keep on top of) and my water-loving plants thriving. It's also prime knitting weather, and that means it's time to cast on a new project or two for that extra variety.

Strawberries and kale... and some very enthusiastic weeds.

Sunday, 8 May 2016

A Medieval Love Af-Faire

If there's one weekend a year that all other plans are off, it's this one - and I don't mean because of Mother's Day (I mean, I love you mum, but I love you all year round). No, it's because my state's renaissance faire is on, and ren faire is a magical place where all of your medieval-ish dreams can come true. People on horses swinging swords at lettuces! Dudes in armour belting each other around the head with (blunt) swords! Tightly corseted bosoms as far as the eye can see! Rustic meat pies and stalls selling anything you could ever even tangentially call medieval- or fantasy-related! People with spinning wheels*!

* I live in rural South Australia. Spinning wheels - and, indeed, hand crafts of all kinds - are not commonly seen.