Showing posts with label weeds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weeds. Show all posts

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Blunder Woman: Storm Damage

Have you ever put your seed trays out in the sun and then, without thinking about the impending bad weather, gone inside for a quick nap? No? Just me?

Pictured: the contents of my third seed tray. Not pictured: the third seed tray.

Friday, 23 September 2016

Blunder Woman: Ambition Exceeds Ability

If there's one trait I don't like to acknowledge in myself it's laziness. It's there, though, and every time I stand in the back yard staring out at the burgeoning weeds I sigh and think "that's going to take forever to fix up". Sometimes I grab my gardening gloves and trudge out there to deal with some of it anyway, but... sometimes I go inside and sit in front of the tv with my knitting instead. And if there's one thing I've learned in the months since my last Blunder Woman admissions it's that I have way more ideas than dedication to following through on them.

It's time to fess up on what didn't work this winter.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

This Garlic is In A Hurry

It's really cold outside! The garlic is in a hurry to get growing, though, and my strawberries look happier now than they did all summer.

They do have some weird green things growing, though?

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Aside from the incoming Antarctic storm front that's due to possibly actually give us actual snow this week, it doesn't really get that cold here. But it does get Australia cold, and boy is it. I'm scraping frost of the windscreen after work and layering knitwear over my clothes as I potter around the house - not the most stylish look but dammit does that shawl+cowl+glove+lap blanket combo keep you just about warm enough.

Meanwhile the extra rain has the garden beds carpeted in green (mostly weeds that I have no idea how to keep on top of) and my water-loving plants thriving. It's also prime knitting weather, and that means it's time to cast on a new project or two for that extra variety.

Strawberries and kale... and some very enthusiastic weeds.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Garden State: May

The garden is changing so fast! I've only been here six months and already things are growing mad. When I look at it day to day the differences aren't so drastic but in the process of taking pictures of everything that's growing I've created a handy record to compare - so today we're gonna have a little then-and-now on how much things have grown.

Sweet Peas, planted (probably?) around St Patrick's Day - two month's growth

Saturday, 16 January 2016

Weeds or Wanted?

Why do baby plants and weeds look so identical?!

Lately, the first thing I do in the morning is go outside to check out the garden and see what's changed since I was last out there (ie yesterday). And the great thing is that there's usually something to see - a new sprout here, more leaves there, buds opening everywhere. It isn't all great, though. Maybe it's just my inexperience talking, but... I can't tell the difference between weeds sprouting and the seeds I planted coming up.

Grass? Spring Onions?