Showing posts with label stash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stash. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

I Heart Luggala

You guys, this project is consuming my life and I wish it would never end (but also that it would so I could wear it already).

Columbine in sunlight is a lot pinker.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Oops I Bought More Plants

The chickens have their roost, and also I stopped by the nursery and accidentally bought some more plants. But the sun was shining! What else was I supposed to do?

Sunday, 8 May 2016

A Medieval Love Af-Faire

If there's one weekend a year that all other plans are off, it's this one - and I don't mean because of Mother's Day (I mean, I love you mum, but I love you all year round). No, it's because my state's renaissance faire is on, and ren faire is a magical place where all of your medieval-ish dreams can come true. People on horses swinging swords at lettuces! Dudes in armour belting each other around the head with (blunt) swords! Tightly corseted bosoms as far as the eye can see! Rustic meat pies and stalls selling anything you could ever even tangentially call medieval- or fantasy-related! People with spinning wheels*!

* I live in rural South Australia. Spinning wheels - and, indeed, hand crafts of all kinds - are not commonly seen.